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Introduction: Why I became a BeachBody Coach

I am the mother of two happy healthy little boys. My husband and I have always been on the cusp of living a healthy lifestyle but never really having the motivation or means to do so. We would watch as our friends and family would eat healthier and work towards a better physical and emotional well being. Thats what we wanted.

I remember seeing an informercial for 21 day fix on tv while pregnant with my youngest. I immediately thought it would be a great fit for us. Then the doubt set in, the ever present doubt, about buying something from an infomercial.

Five months after my youngest was born I was diagnosed with postpartum depression. I was alienating myself from the world. Constantly getting angry, taking more out on my family than I should have. Support groups could only help so much. I was not happy internally, and my negative thoughts increased the toxicity of my relationships. I was becoming more self conscious of my appearance. Even if I had 2 big healthy boys, both over 8 lbs each and I’m hardly 5 feet tall.

Fast forward to 6 months I watched a friend working towards her fitness. I admired her openness. When she announced she was becoming a BeachBody Coach. I was intrigued, just a little. So I started working out on my own. Which, motivated my husband, made my postpartum depression better, slightly at first.

I pushed to do the 21 day fix. We started doing the exercises informally 3 weeks before the actual challenge group. Eating proper portions and making the conscious effort to change our lifestyle. I lost 2 inches. 3 weeks, 2 inches, and a better mindset, without even participating in the challenge group. After we did complete the challenge group I lost 4 lbs and 10 inches. Hows that for results!

Now I am an advocate for BeachBody, I have become a Coach and am working towards motivating other individuals going through some of the same struggles I was/am.

My relationship with my husband is better than ever. I am not getting angry as often. I am more motivated to get housework done. My oldest is happy to workout with us, even if he was getting in the way I knew it was a step towards him living a healthier lifestyle. What parent doesn't wish that for their kids.

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I'm a busy mom of two happy healthy boys. Providing motivation, nutrition and experiences. Achieving your fitness goals through coaching and support for BeachBody Canada Fitness.

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