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Frozen Bananasicles

Well the hot summer weather seems to have made an appearance a bit early this year. I can't believe its only the beginning of June and we are already getting into the high 20's.

With warm weather comes cold cravings. I have been battling with my boys for the last couple weeks, I try and get them to eat healthy snacks. For the most part they are really good about it. BUT when the warm weather hits I just can't get them to stop eating sugar filled popsicles. You know the ones.

SO I decided to make my own Frozen Bananasicles

They are completely gluten, refined sugar, and dairy free. Not that we are too concerned with that. But its nice to be able to have an option for everyone.

These also tie into our 21 Day fix approved lifestyle. Each Frozen Bananasicle is only 1 purple container and 1 tsp. Plus it tastes like a cheat.

For the Bananasicles you will need:

3 Banana's (they don't need to be super ripe because they are going to be frozen)

3 Tbsp Coconut oil

6 Tbsp Cocoa Powder

2 Tbsp Maple Syrup

1/4 cup toppings *

6 Bamboo Skewers/Popsicle sticks

First peel and cut each banana in half widthwise:

Skewer each banana with either a bamboo skewer or a popsicle stick. We only had bamboo skewers.

Place on a parchment covered tray in the freezer while you make your coating chocolate.

In a microwavable safe bowl melt coconut oil for 15-30 seconds, or until liquid.

Add in cocoa powder and maple syrup.

Pull banana's from the freezer and coat in chocolate. Make sure to work fast or the chocolate will solidify before you can coat your banana's.

Before the chocolate sets cover in toppings.

Freeze for a minimum of 3 hours. Serve cold.

* Optional toppings include: Sprinkles, toasted coconut, chopped nuts, dried fruit, melted Peanut Butter, and caramel sauce.

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I'm a busy mom of two happy healthy boys. Providing motivation, nutrition and experiences. Achieving your fitness goals through coaching and support for BeachBody Canada Fitness.

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